
Get activity photo for specific activity (a_id), or activity by name (a_name) in specified object and project. Additionally you can specify a_label in which case only activities with this label set will be returned. You can specify multiple labels comma separated, eg a_label=1,2 a_label_strict parameter says whether activity should have any of labels set (a_label_strict=0 default) or all of them set (a_label_strict=1)

required parameters
a_id for single activity or (p_id or p_name) to specify project and (ob_id or ob_name) to specify object and a_name to specify activity in this object
optional parameters
a_label, a_label_strict
response format
parameter reference

p_id – project id, unique

p_name – project name, not unique

ob_id – object id, unique

ob_name – object name, unique across project

a_name – name of activity, not unique

a_id – id of activity, unique

a_label – label set for activity, label can be 0 to 5 comma separated, eg: 0,4,5 (first and last two)

a_label_strict – default 0 means show activities with any of label specified in optional parameter (a_label), if set to 1 means show activities with all labels set from specified optional parameter (a_label)

picture_url – link to download picture