
Check user global changes. Check changes in every available log made by specified user

required parameters
(user_id or user_name) to specify user
optional parameters
log_type (limit log_type to project,object,activity,property,property_list parameters separated by comma), change_type
response format
ob_top_id;ob_top_name;ob_id;ob_name	;log_type;log_id;log_name;change_type;change_type_desc;old_value;new_value;date;user_id;user_name
parameter reference

ob_top_id – Top Object id, unique

ob_top_name – Top Object name, not unique

ob_id – id of the object

ob_name – name of the object

log_type – type of the log  project,object,activity,property,property_list parameters separated by comma

log_id – id of the object that was changed

log_name – name of the object that was changed

change_type – type of the change in property list

change_type_desc – description of the change

old_value – old value of changed attribute (can be empty)

new_value – new value of changed attribute

date – date of the change

user_id – id of the user that made the change, unique

user_name – name of the user that made the change, not unique


change_type allowed values:

This is not unique across the logs, allowed change_type values are described for each of the change logs: project, object, activity, property, property_list, time_entry